Dev Channel Update: Bug fixes for Mac and Linux
Thursday, September 10, 2009
This week's changes for the dev channel focus on bug fixes as well as a new defense for cross-site scripting attacks.
Version: for Mac and Linux.
- Reflective XSS filter for better security against a common attack. See the mailing list post for more information.
- Fixed extraneous horizontal scrollbars in Gmail (Issue: 7976)
- [r25560], [r25475], [r25478] Tweaks to the Omnibox look.
- [r25182] Fix zoom (green maximize) button. (Issue: 17472)
- [r25380] Adjust color spaces so that Mac Chrome renders colors properly. (Issues: 20552, 19951)
- [r25167] Don't show favicons or throbbers for the New Tab page on the Mac. (Issues: 13337, 20378)
- Uploading images with "Hide extension" set does now work. (Issue: 20857)
More details about additional changes are available in the svn log of all revisions.
You can find out about getting on the Dev channel here: .
If you find new issues, please let us know by filing a bug at .
Jonathan Conradt
Engineering Program Manager