The Dev channel has been updated to for Windows and Linux.

No mac updates this week, we are working to get a version out soon.

All Platforms (but Mac)
  • [r32547] Extensions that use bubbles on page actions work. (Issue: 28061)
  • [r33132] Proxy settings should now work on newer KDE4 systems. (Issue: 25938)
  • [r32206] Use SSE2 optimizations in Skia.

Known issues:
Issue #30065
[Linux] Drop down menu for bookmark location is broken;Drop down menu opens for a second then close.

Issue #
Once a folder is located in 'Other Bookmarks', user cannot move the folder out of 'Other Bookmarks'

Issue #
[Linux] When creating Folder/Bookmark under the 'Other Bookmarks', Foler/Bookmark is created on the bookmark bar.

Issue #
[Linux] When Folder is located under parent folder or 'Other Bookmarks', the folder icon color becomes gray.

Orit Mazor, Google Chrome