The Google Chrome team is happy to announce the release of Chrome 14 on the Beta Channel for Chromebooks (Acer AC700, Samsung Series 5, and Cr-48).

Chrome version 14.0.835.125 (Platform version: 811.77)

Release highlights:
  • A number of security and stability fixes
  • Update the Netflix plugin to 1.1.5
  • Update Pepper Flash to version
  • Turned accelerated compositing, smooth scrolling on
Known issues:
  • Issue 19726: 3G not activating for first time
  • Issue 19888: Video forward/backward doesn't work using a progress bar
If you find new issues, please let us know by visiting our help site or filing a bug. Interested in switching channels? Find out how. You can submit feedback using ‘Report an issue’ under the wrench menu.

Orit Mazor
Google Chrome