Chrome Beta for Android has been updated to 25.0.1364.122 on Google Play. This build will be rolling out over the next few hours. This update contains a number of fixes, including:
  • (172563) Regression in Google Maps Pinching
  • (177536) Long pressing on a word then tapping on space bar repeats the same word
  • (175422) Text deletion issue after using 'Select all' action
  • Various crash and stability fixes.
Known Issues:
  • Swype keyboard does not automatically insert space between words in omnibox
  • Disambiguation popup sometimes doesn't show entire link
  • Text autosizing may break formatting on some sites
A partial list of changes in this build is available in the SVN revision log. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. More information about Chrome for Android is available on the Chrome site.

Jason Kersey
Google Chrome