Dev Channel Update for Chrome OS
Thursday, February 14, 2013
The Dev channel has been updated to 26.0.1410.4 (Platform version: 3701.0.0) for all Chrome OS devices. In addition to increased stability, this build also has some notable updates.
- Fix for frequent lockup problem (173558)
- Improvements to Flash video on the new Samsung Chromebook.
- Updated Pepper Flash to 11.6.602.169
- Firmware update for the new Samsung Chromebook. Note: A screen with Chrome Logo and a critical update notification will show after update restarts. It will reboot by itself after firmware update completes.
Known Issues:
- Mouse pointer doesn't change to i-beam or highlight text (175191) Workaround: Use keyboard shortcuts to highlight text (Ctrl+Shift+arrows)
Ben Henry
Google Chrome