The Dev channel has been updated to 30.0.1573.6 (platform version: 4443.3.0/4443.4.0 for cr-48) for all platforms except the Google Pixel, Samsung Chromebook Series 5 550,  and Samsung Chromebox.  This release contains a several updates and bug fixes.

Known Issues:

  • Video glitches on on certain Flash sites. Workaround: Move cursor away from playing window reduces the glitches (263154).
  • Audio flaky when audio is playing on youtube and google voice search is used. (263549)
  • Bluetooth: Cannot connect A2DP audio devices (262227)

If you find new issues, please let us know by visiting our help site or filing a bug. Interested in switching channels? Find out how. You can submit feedback using ‘Report an issue...’ in the Chrome menu (3 horizontal bars in the upper right corner of the browser).

Josafat Garcia
Google Chrome