Android WebView Update
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
The Chrome and Android teams are super excited to announce that WebView has been updated to M40. Android WebView will be available in Google Play over the next few days for devices on Android 5.0 and higher.
This release brings new JavaScript APIs like Service Workers, and Battery Status as well as bug fixes and performance improvements.
If you find an issue let us know by filing a bug or join the WebView G+ Community from where you will also be able to access future Beta releases.
Miguel Garcia Arribas
Google Chrome and WebView Teams
This release brings new JavaScript APIs like Service Workers, and Battery Status as well as bug fixes and performance improvements.
If you find an issue let us know by filing a bug or join the WebView G+ Community from where you will also be able to access future Beta releases.
Miguel Garcia Arribas
Google Chrome and WebView Teams