Stable Channel Update for Chrome OS
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
The Stable channel has been updated to 69.0.3497.95 (Platform version: 10895.56.0) for most
Chrome OS devices. This build contains a number of bug fixes and security updates. Systems will
be receiving updates over the next several days.
New Features
- Files app UI refresh with new support for accessing Play files
- Native support for Team Drives in Files app
- Save Play app files directly to Files app via the share sheet
- Run Linux apps on supported devices
- Dictation into any text field, a new feature in accessibility settings
- Power state alerts for Kiosk apps
- Global text-to-speech settings
- Night Light
- Fast Access to Emojis
- OOBE visual improvements
- Swipe to close apps in Overview
- Tablet mode behavior unification
- Video capture service
- L1TF and Foreshadow Vulnerabilities
Cindy Bayless
Google Chrome