The Chrome team is delighted to announce the promotion of Chrome 72 to the stable channel for Windows, Mac and Linux. This will roll out over the coming days/weeks.

Chrome 72.0.3626.81 contains a number of fixes and improvements -- a list of changes is available in the log. Watch out for upcoming Chrome and Chromium blog posts about new features and big efforts delivered in 72.

Security Fixes and Rewards
Note: Access to bug details and links may be kept restricted until a majority of users are updated with a fix. We will also retain restrictions if the bug exists in a third party library that other projects similarly depend on, but haven’t yet fixed.

This update includes 58 security fixes. Below, we highlight fixes that were contributed by external researchers. Please see the Chrome Security Page for more information.

[$7500][914497] Critical CVE-2019-5754: Inappropriate implementation in QUIC Networking. Reported by Klzgrad on 2018-12-12
[$N/A][906043] High CVE-2019-5782:  Inappropriate implementation in V8. Reported by Qixun Zhao of Qihoo 360 Vulcan Team via Tianfu Cup on 2018-11-16

[$5000][913296] High CVE-2019-5755: Inappropriate implementation in V8. Reported by Jay Bosamiya on 2018-12-10
[$5000][895152] High CVE-2019-5756: Use after free in PDFium. Reported by Anonymous on 2018-10-14
[$3000][915469] High CVE-2019-5757: Type Confusion in SVG. Reported by Alexandru Pitis, Microsoft Browser Vulnerability Research on 2018-12-15
[$3000][913970] High CVE-2019-5758: Use after free in Blink. Reported by Zhe Jin(金哲),Luyao Liu(刘路遥) from Chengdu Security Response Center of Qihoo 360 Technology Co. Ltd on 2018-12-11
[$3000][912211] High CVE-2019-5759: Use after free in HTML select elements. Reported by Almog Benin on 2018-12-05
[$3000][912074] High CVE-2019-5760: Use after free in WebRTC. Reported by Zhe Jin(金哲),Luyao Liu(刘路遥) from Chengdu Security Response Center of Qihoo 360 Technology Co. Ltd on 2018-12-05
[$3000][904714] High CVE-2019-5761: Use after free in SwiftShader. Reported by Zhe Jin(金哲),Luyao Liu(刘路遥) from Chengdu Security Response Center of Qihoo 360 Technology Co. Ltd on 2018-11-13
[$3000][900552] High CVE-2019-5762: Use after free in PDFium. Reported by Anonymous on 2018-10-31
[$1000][914731] High CVE-2019-5763: Insufficient validation of untrusted input in V8. Reported by Guang Gong of Alpha Team, Qihoo 360 on 2018-12-13
[$1000][913246] High CVE-2019-5764: Use after free in WebRTC. Reported by Eyal Itkin from Check Point Software Technologies on 2018-12-09
[$N/A][922677] High 
CVE-2019-13768: Use after free in FileAPI. Reported by Mark Brand of Google Project Zero on 2019-01-16
[$TBD][922627] High CVE-2019-5765: Insufficient policy enforcement in the browser. Reported by Sergey Toshin (@bagipro) on 2019-01-16
[$N/A][916080] High: Use after free in Mojo interface. Reported by Mark Brand of Google Project Zero on 2018-12-18
[$N/A][912947] High: Use after free in Payments. Reported by Mark Brand of Google Project Zero on 2018-12-07
[$N/A][912520] High: Use after free in Mojo interface. Reported by Mark Brand of Google Project Zero on 2018-12-06
[$N/A][899689] High CVE-2019-5785: Stack buffer overflow in Skia. Reported by Ivan Fratric of Google Project Zero on 2018-10-29
[$4000][907047] Medium CVE-2019-5766: Insufficient policy enforcement in Canvas. Reported by David Erceg on 2018-11-20
[$2000][902427] Medium CVE-2019-5767: Incorrect security UI in WebAPKs. Reported by Haoran Lu, Yifan Zhang, Luyi Xing, and Xiaojing Liao from Indiana University Bloomington on 2018-11-06
[$2000][805557] Medium CVE-2019-5768: Insufficient policy enforcement in DevTools. Reported by Rob Wu on 2018-01-24
[$1000][913975] Medium CVE-2019-5769: Insufficient validation of untrusted input in Blink. Reported by Guy Eshel on 2018-12-11
[$1000][908749] Medium CVE-2019-5770: Heap buffer overflow in WebGL. Reported by  hemidallt@ on 2018-11-27
[$1000][904265] Medium CVE-2019-5771: Heap buffer overflow in SwiftShader. Reported by Zhe Jin(金哲),Luyao Liu(刘路遥) from Chengdu Security Response Center of Qihoo 360 Technology Co. Ltd on 2018-11-12
[$500][908292] Medium CVE-2019-5772: Use after free in PDFium. Reported by Zhen Zhou of NSFOCUS Security Team on 2018-11-26
[$N/A][917668] Medium CVE-2019-5773: Insufficient data validation in IndexedDB. Reported by Yongke Wang of Tencent's Xuanwu Lab ( on 2018-12-24
[$N/A][904182] Medium CVE-2019-5774: Insufficient validation of untrusted input in SafeBrowsing. Reported by Junghwan Kang (ultract) and Juno Im on 2018-11-11
[$N/A][896722] Medium CVE-2019-5775: Insufficient policy enforcement in Omnibox. Reported by evi1m0 of Bilibili Security Team on 2018-10-18
[$N/A][863663] Medium CVE-2019-5776: Insufficient policy enforcement in Omnibox. Reported by Lnyas Zhang on 2018-07-14
[$N/A][849421] Medium CVE-2019-5777: Insufficient policy enforcement in Omnibox. Reported by Khalil Zhani on 2018-06-04

[$N/A][733943] Medium CVE-2018-20073: Inappropriate implementation in downloads. Reported on 2017-06-15.
[$500][918470] Low CVE-2019-5778: Insufficient policy enforcement in Extensions. Reported by David Erceg on 2019-01-02
[$500][904219] Low CVE-2019-5779: Insufficient policy enforcement in ServiceWorker. Reported by David Erceg on 2018-11-11
[$500][891697] Low CVE-2019-5780: Insufficient policy enforcement. Reported by Andreas Hegenberg (folivora.AI GmbH) on 2018-10-03
[$500][895081] Low CVE-2019-5783: Insufficient validation of untrusted input in DevTools. Reported by Shintaro Kobori on 2018-10-13

[$N/A][896725] Low CVE-2019-5781: Insufficient policy enforcement in Omnibox. Reported by evi1m0 of Bilibili Security Team on 2018-10-18
[TBD][837936] Low CVE-2019-13684: Timing attack. Reported by Michael Smith ( on 2018-04-28

We would also like to thank all security researchers that worked with us during the development cycle to prevent security bugs from ever reaching the stable channel.

As usual, our ongoing internal security work was responsible for a wide range of fixes:

  • [926238] Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives

Interested in switching release channels?  Find out how here. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. The community help forum is also a great place to reach out for help or learn about common issues.

Thank you,

Abdul Syed