The Stable channel is being updated to 101.0.4951.59 (Platform version: 14588.98.0) for most Chrome OS devices. This build contains a number of bug fixes and security updates. Systems will be receiving updates over the next several days.

If you find new issues, please let us know by visiting our forum or filing a bug. Interested in switching channels? Find out how. You can submit feedback using ‘Report an issue...’ in the Chrome menu (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner of the browser). 

This release includes the following security fixes: 

[TBD][1300995] High: Heap Use-after-free in Window Manager

[$7000][1310717] High: Use after free in Chrome OS shell. Reported by Nan

Wang and Guang Gong of 360 Alpha Lab

[$3000][1313977] Medium: Heap buffer overflow in Window Manager. 

[$3000][1306768] Medium: Use-after-free in file selection dialog

[$1000][1306391] Medium: Use-after-free in PPD file selection dialog Reported by Zhiyi Zhang from Codesafe Team of Legendsec at Qi'anxin Group

[$5000][1305068] Medium: Use-after-free in file selection dialog

[$2000][1300561] Medium: Buffer overflow in Shelf

For Chrome browser fixes, see the Chrome Desktop release announcement!

Matt Nelson
Google ChromeOS