Dev Channel Update: Updates for Snow Leopard
Monday, August 31, 2009
The dev channel has been updated with a new release for Mac OS X. This release includes bug fixes and some improved compatibility with Snow Leopard. This release is only slightly different than the release so please refer to that release for more information.
Changes specific to Mac OS X:
- [r23636, r23693] Add modifier key support (e.g. cmd-clicking, shift-clicking) throughout the Mac UI. (Issues: 17301, 17912)
- [r23667] Sometimes cmd-w wouldn't close the last tab in a window. (Issue: 19447)
- [r23702] Korean IME didn't work in the Omnibox. (Issue: 19421)
- [r23715, r23733, r23740, r2382
1 , r24213] Improve appearance of various UI components. (Issue: 14898, 18902, 19115, 19943 ) - [r23741, r24006] Favicon lost in various circumstances. (Issue: 18352, 18359)
- [r23886] Add bubble when user clicks the star button. (Issue: 14929)
- [r23964] Implement tab-to-search. (Issues: 10943, 10944, 12285)
- [r23975, r24209, r24234] Crash fixes. (Issue: 19837, 19958, 19728)
- [r24030] Text could appear garbled on 10.6. (Issue: 11269)
More details about additional changes are available in the svn log of all revisions.
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If you find new issues, please let us know by filing a bug at .
Jonathan Conradt
Engineering Program Manager