Dev Channel Updated with fixes and extension changes
Friday, September 4, 2009
The dev channels have been updated to
- All Platforms
- [r24663] Closing the download shelf removes all completed and cancelled downloads from it. (Issue: 15712)
- [r24331] Fixes various audio/video events which were not firing. (Issues: 20152, 16768)
- [r24519] Saved passwords for proxy servers are now correctly labeled. (Issue: 12992)
- [r24384] Add single line of tips to New New Tab Page. (Issue: 19162)
- Mac
- [r24241] HTTP Auth dialog autofills passwords.
- New Tab Page displays much faster. (Issue 13337)
- [r23722, r23955] Improved scrolling and display performance, particularly on machines without powerful graphics hardware (such as laptops)
- [r24621] Plugins starting offscreen will draw correctly when they scroll into view (Issue 20234)
- Linux
- [r24241] HTTP Auth dialog autofills passwords.
- [r24558] Fix the find bar so the match count is inside the entry. (Issue: 17962)
- [r24831] Now respects both GNOME and KDE proxy settings. (Issue: 17363)
- [r24930] Implemented "Confirm form resubmission" dialog. (Issue: 19761)
- [r24454] Don't paste primary selection when middle clicking scrollbars. (Issue: 16400)
- [r24287] Fix inability to select Times New Roman in font options with some versions of Pango. (Issue: 19823)
- [r24903, r25007] Fixed tab dragging on 64-bit. (Issue: 20513)
- [r25039] Fixed 64-bit JavaScript crash on some CPUs. (Issue: 20789)
- Extensions
- Two breaking changes (see mailing list post for more information):
- [r24539] Polish the look of Linux extension shelf. (Issue: 16759)
- [r24599] Polish extension install UI.
- [r24864] Allow extension toolstrip to detach. (ctrl+alt+b)
- [r24871, r24877] Polish chrome://extensions/ page. Add convenience developer tools to load an extension and pack an extension.
More details about additional changes are available in the svn log of all revisions.
You can find out about getting on the Dev channel here: .
If you find new issues, please let us know by filing a bug at .
Jonathan Conradt
Engineering Program Manager