The Dev channel has been updated to 20.0.1105.0 (Platform version: 2153.0.0) for Chromebooks (Acer AC700, Samsung Series 5, and Cr-48). This release contains functional, security and stability improvement.

Release highlights:
  • Updates to Chrome - see this blog post for details
  • Switched to open source touchpad driver on Cr-48 
  • Introduced redesigned UI to Cr-48
  • Introduced option for natural scrolling direction

Known issues:
  • Some regressions in particular touch use cases
  • 122868 - Some flickering seen when opening websites or new tabs. Workaround: Switch to another tab and and switch back to clear the blocky or flickering screen. In some cases, a machine restart may be required.
  • 29370 - Video playback sometimes does not work properly when multiple tabs are open. Audio continues but video may stop or stutter. Workaround: Close some tabs or restart machine to clear posible memory issues, and replay video.
If you find new issues, please let us know by visiting our help site or filing a bug. Interested in switching to the Beta channel? Find out how. You can submit feedback using ‘Report an issue’ under the wrench menu.

Danielle Drew & Karen Grunberg
Google Chrome