Chrome Beta for Android Update
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Chrome Beta for Android has been updated to 25.0.1364.37 on Google Play. This build will be rolling out over the next few hours. This update contains a number of fixes, including:
Jason Kersey
Google Chrome
- 165783: Enable compositing scrollable frames on Android
- 168368: Chrome progress bar should be displayed as soon as the user clicks a link
- 165244 - Text handler jumps or disappears when moving
- 162486 - iframe scrolling broken
- 170436 - When upgrading, Chrome icon is not getting updated
- 170653 - Scroll position is reset momentarily when double-tapping in footer/gutter on some pages
- Sometimes flickering and graphical glitches are observed while opening new tab
- Frequent freeze on devices with specific versions of Qualcomm GPU driver
- Text autosizing may break formatting on some sites
- Video continues playing after exiting fullscreen on android phones
- [HTC Droid DNA] Getting crash on tabswitcher mode
- 163439 - page links are not working
- 166233 - Cannot submit comments on facebook posts or pictures
- 158633: Tap disambiguation overaggressive
Jason Kersey
Google Chrome